welearnsomething.blogspot.ch - You Learn Something New Every Day

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This isn’t a blog post, as we’ve moved our blog to the new Bright Green Learning website . You'll find our blogposts in the future at https://brightgreenlearning.com/blog . If you’ve received this post via email, all going well the next proper blog post which I will publish now, will also reach you by email. However if you don’t receive it, you can go to our new website and sign up via the blog page. Our new website brings together the Bright Green Learning Academy (our training programme), our project work

Posted by Gillian Martin Mehers at 09:50 0 comments  

You are speaking, facilitating, moderating, or MCing at a BIG event. You are in front of dozens, hundreds, a thousand people, and you are introducing people with big names and long titles. The lights are bright, the video camera rolling, surrounded by a buzzing room full of eager participants. Can you remember all those names, important titles, their honours and awards, and in the right sequence up there on stage? You need some notes! But you don't want to hold those crinkly printed white papers, or a handf

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