weekenderscoffee.com - WEEKENDERS COFFEE

Description: 京都に残る古い建物、家屋。受け継がれてきた習慣。根付く喫茶文化。意識と覚悟があってこそ、守り続けられるのだと思います。私たちは、そこにもうひとつ、新たなコーヒー文化を作り上げたい。日本古来の佇まいを意識して、自分たちの内から出るもので作り上げた空間です。コーヒーを飲むほんの少し、五感が豊かに震えるような時間になれば幸いです。 “KYOTO” has a very deep and rich history. Full of many wonderful traditions, ancient temples, old buildings and traditional style town houses called `Machiya` Kyotos cultures are passed down from one generation to the next. One such culture is `Kissa` short for `Kissaten` which has existed in Kyoto for a great deal of time. We are prepared to pre

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