- Enjoyment in the pure, simple way.

Description: Ideas across many subjects in the human domain. Try to see things, and the nature of the complexity of life, as they really.

communication (6274) net (5477) show (4196) power (3329) time (2050) simple way human time current cyclical human expansion third technological revolution

Example domain paragraphs

I was thinking what would be the first opening lines should look like, and I still not sure about it. The current net content and interpretations relays on technology that may update, re-modify and share in so many ways in a blink of an eye is staggering. Transfer a packet of information is the most effective, efficient and also the less power consuming time of the current human history - so far. The decentralized form of sending data for point a to b requires highly sophisticated equipment and power. The p

home long-distance trials capture the present contact interaction with the world, world long distance walk, real stories, culture involvement, human species technological progress It's never too late to say hello. Due to massive work that needs to be done with the website, it takes some time to get it online in late 2023. last modified

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