webrn-maculardegeneration.com - Macular Degeneration - Causes, Prevention, Symptoms,Treatment & Hope

Description: Macular Degeneration - Comprehensive and current information from cutting edge research to practical everyday living tips.

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"You have macular degeneration."  Have you or someone you care about just heart those same words? Did you walk out of the eye doctor's office wondering what does that mean, how soon will I lose my vision, will I go blind, can I keep driving and is there any treatment?  Find your answers here about the causes of age related macular degeneration (AMD), symptoms, research, current treatment options and vision aids.

With age-related macular degenerative disease (ARMD) as the leading cause of vision loss in people 65 and older, you most likely know someone who is struggling with limited vision and their quality of life.

Or you may be someone who is asking what can I do to prevent my eyes from developing macular degenerative disease through lifestyle, diet or supplements. Here you will find answers to many of your questions like: