webleto.com - Webleto

Description: Simple monitoring and off-site cloud backup for your website for free. SMS and email alerts. Be the first to know when your website goes down.

website (30903) backup (9269) cloud (8057) monitoring (2231) simple (1625) alert (387) notification (146) easy-to-use (124) offsite (66) downtime (50)

Example domain paragraphs

You know having up-to-date backup of your website is important. But you're probably busy to take the time to set it up. Or you lack the technical skills. Try WebLeto, in 1 minute you'll be set up, for free.

Monitoring and Backup services are very easy to set-up. So you can spend your time on other stuff.

You can rely on us, if something goes wrong, we are here to notify you and hold your back in case some unfortunate event.