web3event.com - Web 3.0 Conference: Profit and gain insight by organizing information with semantic web and linked data technologies, May 19-20,

Description: Alan Meckler and Mediabistro bring you the foremost event on Web 3.0. Web 3.0 represents the collection of technologies sometimes referred to as semantic web, linked data, natural language processing and mashups. Web 3.0 is about organizing data to be able to ask sophisticated questions and gain meaningful insights. The Web 3.0 Conference will provide solutions for marketers, corporate information managers/CIOs, information technologists, web developers and entrepreneurs looking to make the most of existing

data (5180) information technology (1921) semantic web (104) web 3.0 (100) new technology (92) linked data (54) corporate information (17) organizing information (2) next generation of web organizing data

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In turbulent economic times, it is critically important to understand what opportunities exist to make our businesses run better. The emergence of a new era of technologies, collectively known as Web 3.0, provides this kind of strategically significant opportunity.

The core idea behind web 3.0 is to extract much more meaningful, actionable insight from information. At the conference, we will explore how companies are using these technologies today, and should be using them tomorrow, for significant bottom line impact in areas like marketing, corporate information management, customer service, and personal productivity.

The goal of Web 3.0 is to reorganize information so users can capture what things are and how they are related. This seemingly simple concept will have a profound effect at every level of information consumption, from the individual end user to the enterprise.