wearethomasse.com - We Are Thomasse

Description: We Are Thomasse: British-American Comedy Sketches by a British-American Comedy Couple

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In our 6th annual 4th of July video, America’s ex, Britain, surprises her on Zoom. But then it gets *awkward* as the drama of 2021 comes to a head, and Britain ruins America’s Birthday. Again. 

Watch and share with your friends now on Facebook or YouTube !

Join us for 25 sketches (a year’s worth of material) in 25 days (less than a month)! With parody music videos, Colonial Karen’s, and God Pitching the Universe… there is something for everyone to giggle about. 2020 has been a trash fire and you deserve a little joy! So, spread comedy, not covid with We Are Thomasse!

Links to wearethomasse.com (2)