wearenotreal.com - We Are Not Real | We live in a simulation??

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Because of video games, whenever simulation theory is discussed, NPCs (non-player characters) regularly come up. In a game they are computer controlled characters, and do not exist outside of what is necessary to progress the game in real time. If, for example, you pay a NPC to construct a barn for you, typically the barn will just appear. All the NPC was needed for in game time was a conversation.

Simulation theory is taking off in the regular world, and calling someone a NPC is a very recent putdown. So it is perhaps a good time to consider whether (if we are living in a simulation)  there are NPCs.

I will ignore what non-NPCs are – they could be actual conscious beings playing a game, or simulations based on a real living being, or something in-between. For argument’s sake, when I mention a player, I mean you or me, as we experience life. Presumably NPCs are hard-wired to not participate in simulation theory discussions, so, presumably, you and I cannot be one.

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