wearementorme.org domain details

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Mentor Me  (a program of Petaluma People Services Center) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to empower young people to reach their highest potential by matching them with a mentor. We are reliant upon and grateful for the generosity of the community of volunteers, grantors, and donors who give life to this mission.

Changing Lives – A Mentoring Impact Story  What if you could change the course of a child’s life by just showing up for an hour a week? What if your own life felt fuller, richer, and more meaningful because of it? That’s exactly what happened for Lynn and Leslie when mentor Lynn Camhi watched her mentee Leslie Mejia graduate from the University of California Berkeley, a defining moment of their remarkable relationship. READ MORE

Our Vision  We envision a world where every child has a mentor and you can help us reach that goal. Please click HERE to become a mentor today!

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