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This February we are heading out with our dog team on an epic 120-day expedition sledding all the way around Baffin Island, the world’s 5th biggest island.

The Expedition In 1990 Sarah’s parents, Paul Landry & Matty McNair, along with their friends, Jeff and Rosemary Murray, set off on an epic dog sledding adventure; a four month-long journey around Baffin Island. No one since then has followed in their footsteps. So, exactly 25 years later, this February, we are closing down our computers, packing 120 days of food and toilet paper, and heading out with our 14 dogs to retrace the route of their adventure.

Want to check out what is happening with our expedition? Look for frequent updates via  Instagram and new articles on  Facebook throughout the journey. We are also partnering with Gramwire   to bring live geospatial tracking and immersive media of our progress over next 4 months.  Find out where we are at and drop us a line.

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