washingtonanimalbiteattorneys.com - WashingtonAnimalBiteAttorneys.com | Washington Dog Bite Lawyers

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For millions of people throughout the United States, dogs bring much pleasure and joy, at times making it easy to forget they are animals. Unfortunately, thousands of people are reminded of this every year, as dog bites result in 386,000 emergency room visits annually in the U.S.

Dogs are strong animals that use their teeth and powerful jaws to rip their victim’s flesh, causing serious injuries, which may include massive blood loss, nerve damage, fractured bones, scarring and disfigurement, and other serious injuries. If you have been seriously injured as the result of a  dog attack in Washington , you have rights. It is imperative that you contact a skilled Washington dog bite lawyer at Bernard Law Group for a free consultation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that dog attacks among children can be extremely devastating, due to the small size of a child. Since children are so much smaller than adults, a dog is much more likely to attack a child’s neck, head, or face, which in comparison would measure up to the height of an adults leg, therefore causing less serious damage to the adult.