warmingbulletin.org - Warming Bulletin

Example domain paragraphs

Headlines Australia’s Parliament defeats global warming bill UN official calls for funds for climate change Moves by U.S., China induce India to do its bit on climate Global warming threatens China harvests New evidence of accelerated Arctic warming Calif dams to feel impact of climate change EPA delays decision on ethanol blend The psychology of climate denial America’s 11 hottest species stressed by climate change Peak oil: Are we scraping the barrel? New film: The story of cap & trade Investor brains tar

Headlines Climate ‘is a major cause’ of conflict in Africa US will announce target for cutting carbon emissions Sixty-five leaders to attend climate summit Nuclear power regains support Greenhouse gases reach record levels-UN agency Climate sceptics and lobbyists put world at risk, says top UK adviser Hacked global warming e-mails – what’s new? Global warming may be unstoppable, says scientist Melting icecaps to cause massive damage in port cities: WWF Can the U.S. learn from Australia’s emissions pla

Headlines Copenhagen: No deal, we’re out of time, Obama warns Obama hobbled in fight against global warming Delaying an international climate treaty: not as bad as it looks Pests on move worldwide as climate warms ‘Super greenhouse gas’ deal fails National security perspective on climate change Coal star state Ray Mears: We’ll struggle to survive climate change Cave study links climate change to California droughts Under the Chamber’s cyber-skin – editorial How reputation could save the Earth