wallacefund.info - Introduction | The Alfred Russel Wallace Website

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This site is dedicated to the life and work of Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 - 1913), was one of the greatest scientists of all time . His seminal contributions to biology  rival those of his friend and colleague Charles Darwin, though he is far less well known. Together Wallace and Darwin proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection in 1858, and their prolific subsequent work laid the foundations of modern evolutionary biology - and much more besides.

Wallace made enduring scholarly contributions to subjects as diverse as glaciology, land reform, anthropology, ethnography, epidemiology , and astrobiology . His pioneering work on what would become evolutionary biogeography (the science that seeks to explain the geographical distribution of organisms) led to him becoming recognised as that subject’s ‘father’. Beyond this, Wallace is regarded as the pre-eminent collector and field biologist of tropical regions during the 19th century, and his book The Malay

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