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Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club Repeaters: Herman 146.800- 100hz, Herman 442.525+ 125DCS, Glenada 441.100+ 125DCS UHF repeaters are Fusion supporting Analog/Digital communications. Glenada supports Wires-X and Link Western Oregon's first full time emergency powered repeater. "When your power is gone, we're still on" Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater Assn March 31, 1981 newsletter Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club is a 501(c)3 public charity and listed as Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater, Inc. (OC

Join us each Wednesday evening for W7FLO Net Night at 7:00 p.m. Echo link check ins, For Sale, Want to buy, Information. Roll call for members and guest check in Herman Peak Repeater 146.800 minus Tone 100.0

This Saturday July 22, 2023 Click on the link below for complete information The MRHS in cooperation with our good friends at the Cipher History Museum will send a coded message in 5-letter groups via the facilities of coast stations KPH on Saturday July 22, 2023 Pacific time. The message will be encrypted using the famous Enigma code machine and is an authentic message sent by a U-boat in the North Atlantic in 1942. All KPH listeners are invited to try their hand at receiving and decrypting the message. Ce

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