w6nmc.org - W6NMC – Coast Guard Island Amateur Radio Club

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Hello all, We are in the beginning stages of planning our participation in AFD 2023. We invite our members to participate, as always. Anyone that has credentials to clear the security gate and come aboard USCG Coast Guard Island are also welcome. We are still trying to determine how we […]

Good evening, all, Due to COVID-19, we were not allowed access to Coast Guard Island for an extended period. I am happy to say that we have regained access to the base and the shack during the Spring of 2022. We were able to operate for Field Day 2022 during […]

Good day, all, It’s been quite some time since we’ve posted anything new on our page. Our next planned activity will be the USCG Auxiliary 79th birthday on October 20, 2018.  Many other stations will be on the air around the country.  We don’t have a specific set of frequencies […]