volailles-challans.com - Genuine Challans Poultry

Description: Genuine Challans Poultry || the best of 'Label Rouge' poultry since 1969

quality (6930) chicken (1826) poultry (547) genuine (353) challans (35) label rouge (18) duckling (14) poulterers (1)

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In the spotlights

The Challans poultry represent a know-how of passionate poulterers & benefit from an exceptional soil offered by the climate of the Vendée breton marsh. Challans is a land of tasty encounters. Land of contrasts and passions, this region is the meeting point of sky and earth, wind and sea. Taking advantage of a mild climate whatever the season , fresh sea air and local acidic soils on quality pastures, Challans is the paradise for full-sized poultry sector.

Elevée en plein air, sous volière, elle a le goût d’une alimentation 100% végétale, sans graisses ni farines animales. Cela lui donne une chair ferme, harmonieusement musclée.