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Description: Il VOICING© è una pratica che apporta esperienza e comprensione della vera natura della comunicazione verbale, del potere dei suoni e del canto.

terapia (1289) meditazione (200) musicoterapia (91) voce (80) cantare (41) suono (34) pratibha (3) canto spontaneo (1)

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Since ancient times humans have expressed their deepest emotions through sound, music and song. Words failed to express the intensity of heartful joy, sorrow, sensuality, horror, pain, triumph, religiousness. It is a human being's intrinsic nature to respond to deeply-felt experiences through sound and song it is an authentic response imbedded deep in human consciousness. The ancients knew the effects of sound, song and rhythm on matter. They created specific energy fields to support the performance of work

Our so-called Western culture has gradually lost the understanding of all the possibilities for communication, healing, therapy, psychological and spiritual transformation that the voice offers. Favouring mental activity and a mechanical vision of reality, the practice of singing has been reduced to an activity of entertainment for others, and precise ideas of how this singing should sound have been developed. If we can't respond to such modalities we consider ourselves and others as not being able to sing

VOICING©  is an approach that uses different ways to reactivate the knowing of and the sensitivity towards sounds, one's own singing capacities and how they affect our nature. The participant will rediscover the connection between the inner world and the singing voice. Through specific techniques and group situations he will be helped to move easily inside himself and to use the voice as the horse on which to ride to discover the inner territory -- no matter how it looks or sounds. Most of our problems, dep