voicesforjustclimateaction.org - VCA – Voices for just climate action

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The climate crisis hugely affects nature and has a devastating impact on human life – and rights. We are at a critical juncture In our fight against raising temperatures and in transforming our societies in a sustainable, just and inclusive manner. The tipping point is now. There are huge opportunities to effect change. We need to renegotiate unequal rights and reimagine and recover the balance between people and nature. We believe this is only possible through next level local civil society leadership and o

Maimuna Kabatesi is the Global Program Manager of the Voices for Just Climate Action program. Read her strong plea on why diverting climate finance should never be an option. The recently leaked British plans to drop a £11.6bn climate and nature funding pledge will “pave the way for other government to scale back their climate commitments.”

Hivos was invited to visit Indigenous communities around Lake Turkana in northern Kenya. Vincent Mogaka, project officer for the Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) programme in East Africa, saw firsthand how local communities remain neglected in the face of the climate crisis. Here’s his account of the visit.

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