voicesforciviljustice.org - Voices for Civil Justice | Civil legal aid communications

Description: National nonprofit initiative to communicate to journalists in the news media the story of civil legal aid in the US. Based in Washington, DC.

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Notice: Starting in 2023, this website operates in archival mode with minimal updates. read more > >

As of January 1, 2023, Voices for Civil Justice has sunset its operations. VoicesforCivilJustice.org is an archived web project and no longer actively maintained. The messaging research, training materials, and Civil Justice News database are offered freely to support the Civil Justice Reform community. Hosting of the website VoicesforCivilJustice.org has been assumed by the National Association of IOLTA Programs (NAIP), based in Raleigh, North Carolina. read more >> Welcome. VoicesforCivilJustice.org suppo

Whatever your beat, you can connect to experts, stories and fresh facts in the civil justice system  from all over the country .

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