vocforb2b.com - Voice of Customer Training - Workshops from The AIM Institute

Description: Voice of customer training and workshops for the B2B pro. New Product Blueprinting Workshops have been delivered around the globe to thousands of students.

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Since 2005, New Product Blueprinting interviews have evolved until they now only faintly resemble traditional VOC. Why? Because they’ve been refined and field-tested in tens of thousands of B2B-only customer interviews. (See our clients’ case stories .)  If you want better customer insight, get the world’s leading B2B voice of customer training as delivered through our workshops, not hand-me-down consumer-goods VOC methods. With our B2B VOC training, you’ll be amazed at how much you can learn from insightfu

B2B marketing, product management, and leaders are asked to deliver both short term growth while building for the future. In our workshops, learners will not only learn B2B-optimized methods for uncovering customer insight, but they’ll also learn how to build engagement with customers in the process.

“High engagement” means that customers will be part of the process. The qualitative interviews will feel like energizing brainstorming sessions. The quantitative portion will go deeper, allowing the customer to indicate which needs are the most important and unsatisfied. When the time comes to release a new product, customers will be eager to buy, since they were involved.