- VIVIEN project – VIctim VIolence Educational Network. An educational project to improve the ability to assist women victims of v

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VIVIEN – Victim Violence Educational Network: An educational project to improve the ability to assist women victims of violence, aims to contribute to prevent and to tackle violence against women (VAW), with a specific focus on women with disabilities.

The VIVIEN project is coordinated by Giolli Cooperativa (Italy) and carried out by four countries: Italy, Finland, Bulgaria and Croatia. The project lasts for two years until the end of 2020. The project addresses current challenges and needs of civil contribution to governmental efforts to end violence against women and take into consideration the specific vulnerability and needs of women with disabilities.

Studies of literature has shown that violence is under-reported by women both to police and victim support organizations. One reason is that professionals who have first contact with victims are not well prepared to recognize, support and help the woman properly. Sometimes even worse, though often subconsciously, they share the same gender stereotypes of perpetrators.