- Astrology/Energy healing website - Visionary Energy Healing

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I’m an Astrologer and energy healer, if you are at a pivotal time in your life and need help, my deeply intuitive grasp of astrological influences and my intuitive observations can help you navigate difficult times. 

Astrology is a tool for understanding our deepest selves; it can unlock our deepest desires and give meaning to some of the most challenging times in our lives. If you are experiencing a dark night of the soul and need help navigating your precious life, I’m here to help. Astrology can show you where you need to focus on becoming more congruent with your soul’s desires, making your life feel much easier and fulfilled. 

Walter Russel “Every person born into a material form has a rhythm of his own which is normal to him and him only. Each person’s normal rhythm is determined at his birth moment.”