- vipinajayakumar

Example domain paragraphs

I have had a lot of fun making this blog. It’s based of Hugo, a static website generator written in Go. However, I wanted to switch to something based on JavaScript and React.js as that’s what I know and love. I experimented with react-static and later with Next.js on a new domain at I’m very pleased with this new setup as not only will I be able to write articles, but I will also be able to develop the website to my heart’s content.

I am a productivity geek and one of the things I’m particularly fond of is using software to make my life as lazy as possible. In this article, I share some of my favourite iOS and macOS apps. Note that some of these may be UK specific. I had to make some pretty hard decisions about removing many not-as-awsome apps from this list. These remaining ones are the cream of the crop. :) I hope you like some of them.

JavaScript is the most fun language I have ever played with. Today, I’m a full-stack web developer working in London as part of a fab team. So, I have brilliant and experienced people around me to guide me. However, two years ago, when I first decided to learn JavaScript, I remember being very confused about where to start. There are way too many frameworks and courses to choose from and I didn’t know how to make those choices. In this article, I make some of those difficult choices for you and help you get

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