- New York Hospitality by Vijay Dandapani | A hotelier's outlook on travel and the hospitality industry with an emphasis on New Yo

Description: A hotelier’s outlook on travel and the hospitality industry with an emphasis on New York City, by Vijay Dandapani

Example domain paragraphs

A hotelier's outlook on travel and the hospitality industry with an emphasis on New York City.

Is that a real or rhetorical question? The answer ought to be stunningly obvious to anyone in the industry.

Rhetoric aside there clearly are lots of pros and plenty of cons when it comes to assessing Google’s role in our industry. But indulge me, if you will, a bit while I recount my first encounter with Google. I first heard of Google when it launched back in 1998 when a cricket crazy friend of mine started talking about just how much of a game changer it is. It sounded eerily similar to Googly and as someone who thought he knew everything about cricket I went along not wanting to sound ignorant of the latest in