- videolamer – The serious gamer’s site since 1596

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The serious gamer's site since 1903

Over the past decade or so, I’ve tried to play every SNES RPG I can find, even if I don’t beat them all. I played most of them at some point via rentals, and I have fond memories of many of them (even Lagoon). Over the years, I have built my collection to include as many as I can reasonably justify (ex: I might pick up Brain Lord , but I’m probably not getting Dragon View ). Even the most mediocre of these games has had some redeeming quality, but I’m here today to tell you about one that really doesn’t. J.

I have played a lot of Diablo 2 but for unknown reasons, I can’t stop thinking about the rerelease. In an effort to convince myself not to get it I have outlined a list of arguments and then, in completely self-defeating fashion, counter arguments, aka reasons why I should just get the damn game.

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