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By the time you’re reading this it is either Valentine’s Day or past Valentine’s Day. Please check out the Memories section to responses from folks about romantic films and dating at the movies.

The major release this Friday the 13th is the Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore comedy 50 First Dates, which I’m not seeing today. I am saving that film for the entry for Valentine’s Day. I will conduct a little field research for this website about the dating and romantic aspect about going to the movies. So check for that entry.

Today I will be seeing a film that has sparked controversy due to its NC-17 rating, Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Dreamers. All that I have heard about the film is that the distributors planned on releasing the film anyways even if it was rated NC-17. There have been plenty of good films that were released with an NC-17 rating like Poison and the unrated cuts of Requiem for a Dream and Kids. And there have been plenty of bad NC-17 films have been released like Showgirls. I personally think the NC-17 rating is b

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