- Paul Brennan M.C. Registered Psychologist | Victoria, BC

Description: Brief Assessment for Adult ADHD and Mood Disorder - Paul Brennan M.C. Registered Psychologist

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Perhaps you have felt this way for a long time –  maybe for as long as you can remember or perhaps you can pinpoint the beginning.  You may have tried various fixes, but on the whole they haven’t worked in the long term.  Or maybe they have had other costs or made things worse. It can be hard to go through the motions when you’re not really able to respond as you would like. It’s not like it is supposed to be, the way it seems to be for most other people.

Humans have long had to deal with a constantly changing sensory world.  That’s why we have evolved nervous systems that are really good at switching between lots of different priorities.  Now, many of us urban folk are behind a desk or on the couch for many hours of the day. At the same time, we are exposed to ever more complex planning tasks:  Making progress at work, managing relationships, family issues, financial planning. All of these factors can trigger our sense that we will be judged for screwing up

The assessment of adult attention deficit disorder is reliable and efficient when performed by a registered psychologist. I offer a reasonably priced service which involves a clinical interview and psychological tests that can usually be completed in a single session. We will look at your history, and also try to rule out or include other common causes of attentional difficulty, such as an issue with mood regulation. Based on the session I will provide a brief report that summarizes my findings, as well as