- The Isles of Scilly Veterinary Support Group (I.O.S.V.S.G.)

Description: Welcome to The Isles of Scilly Veterinary Support Group (I.O.S.V.S.G.), We are a small group of volunteers who are dedicated to giving practical support to our resident veterinary practice and aiming to significantly improve the surgery facilities and equipment on the islands.

health (21020) dogs (4727) cats (3199) animals (3108) vet (1878) veterinary (1509) support group (196) heike (111) isles of scilly (56) scilly (30)

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The group was formed back in 2007 just after the arrival of our current vet Dr. Heike Dorn. Prior to this, animal owners on the islands had spent a few apprehensive months without a resident vet. This meant that many sick animals had to be flown to the mainland for treatment, which is both costly and very distressing for animals and owners alike. The small, insufficiently equipped surgery had little appeal as far as prospective vets were concerned. Finance was also a key issue. There just simply didn't seem

We are a small group of volunteers who are committed to giving practical support to our veterinary practice; our main purpose is to raise money to purchase and maintain better equipment and surgery facilities, so that the practice can take on a wider range of services independently. This meets the dual aims of making the practice sustainable and providing the best possible care for the animal population of the islands.

With the help of our supporters and the wider community of the five islands and extensive fundraising, our brand new purpose built surgery (consisting of consultation room, X-ray room and operating theatre with living accomodation for the incumbent vet) was completed in December 2010. Since then we have been able to purchase a digital X-ray machine to replace the old machine. .