- VENUSRISING | Venus, for women who travel, arise light the way, inspire. Unveil your ageless beauty & truth. Venture beyond th

Description: Venus, for women who travel, arise light the way, inspire. Unveil your ageless beauty & truth. Venture beyond the known. BE.

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As a travel advisor and one who has traveled constantly, Switzerland, France, Spain, England, Scotland, Ireland, Mexico, Costa & Puerto Rica, Belize, so many others) reading signage, local newspapers, maps, etc. while traveling is always intriguing. As interesting is discovering the roots of our Americanized English language in countries where I am traveling. For instance, leaving Paris in 2012, traveling from my hotel to the Charles de Gaulle airport, I noticed a sign “Avance en Feu” which for the US would

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Mr. Koch has a degree in chemical engineering, so although I do appreciate his political views, I can not appreciate his lack of properly disposing of toxins from the pulp mills owned by Koch Industries onto our agriculture lands.