- Veggiepedia® - Learn How To Go Green

Description: is a website about sustainable living & veganism. Visit today to see top 10 vegan documentaries, charities & books!

Example domain paragraphs

This domain is registered at . Website coming soon. is a website for eco-conscious & good-hearted people like you. At the moment, our small page below contains information about veganism only in English, but we also own a complete package of 30+ domains and 3 registered trademarks ( Veggiepedia® in USA, UK & EU) ready to be developed one day into a larger, multilingual vegan charity & activism platform by us or you or your organization. Veggiepedia can use domains .org , .com , .es , .de , .fr , .pt , .it , .jp , .kr & many more and it can ex

If you are curious about sustainable lifestyles and veganism, Veggiepedia is here to help. We'll answer a couple of common questions people have about veganism, living sustainably, and the link between those two things. You'll see why going vegan (or mostly vegan) means going green.