- Water Calendar

waterfall (213) thunderstorm (45) air ions (6) ship wakes (5) water waves (5) wave propagation (5) alternative climate influencing (5) breaking drop theory (5) charged air (5) lenard effect (5)

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Wild Duck (Mallard) swimming across a water surface, generating a wake behind it. Small waves can be seen capturing up with the main wake, overtaking it, and then dissolving as they advance ahead and loose their energy. Söderåsen National Park, Sweden. Photo: Lasse Johansson

Quietly, the duck swims across the water surface, its legs paddling silently underneath. Behind it, a small wake spreads distinctly, disturbing the otherwise completely still water surface. The sun is setting over the little lake – the oblique light causes the ripples to stand out, bringing them to my attention. Here at the outlet, just above a small dam, pieces of pond weed come drifting in an almost invisible current, and the duck hunts for food. Continue reading →

Water cascading down a flight of waterfall steps. Segment of Storåsfallet, Lärjedalen, outside Gothenburg, Sweden. Photo: Lasse Johansson