- Vanna.AI - Personalized AI SQL Agent

ai (8621) database (3571) sql (1812) athena (125) postgres (123) snowflake (60) bigquery (13) python package (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Refresh icon !pip install vanna import vanna as vn vn .set_api_key( vn .get_api_key( '[email protected]' )) vn .set_model( 'chinook' ) vn .vn.connect_to_sqlite( '' ) vn .ask( 'What are the top 10 artists by sales?' ) Copy and run this code in a notebook! Copy Whitepaper: How to get high SQL accuracy rates using AI TLDR: It all has to do with the training data you give it, which is what Vanna AI helps with.

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Subscribe Why Vanna.AI ? High accuracy on complex datasets Vanna’s capabilities are tied to the training data you give it. More training data means better accuracy for large and complex datasets.