- vanessa safavi

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Born in Lausanne, Vanessa Safavi will have a traveling, almost nomadic childhood. In 2003, she studied at the Cantonal Art School of Lausanne (ECAL) where she obtained her diploma in visual arts in 2007. Artistic residencies punctuated her career to take her from Paris to Cape Town, from Johannesburg to New York , from Peru to Heiligenberg, or even to Rome in 2021. Along with her artistic activities, she will work as a recorder with the State Secretariat for Migration in Bern (2008-2010), fuelling her resea

Vanessa Safavi’s early research is strongly influenced by her own cultural identity, spanning three countries, two continents. For several years, she will explore issues related to population movements, tourism and the notion of exoticism, guided in particular by reading Claude Lévi-Strauss. It will first be the desert (Real Life is Elsewhere, 2011), which she encounters in Africa, which will come to inhabit her exhibitions in the form of sandy expanses filling space. The question of otherness and alienatio

Safavi studied at HEAD (MA-Geneva) and ECAL (BA-Lausanne). She has exhibited at the Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard in Paris and at FRI-ART Kunsthalle in 2019, Fürstenbergischen Sammlungen Donaueschingen, “Turns and Returned” The Breeder, Athens (2018), “The Cook and the Smoke Detector”, ChertLüdde, Berlin (2017), “Medulla Plaza”, Kunstverein Grafschaft, Bentheim (2016), “Airbags”, MOTINTERNATIONAL, Brussels (2015), “cloud metal cities”, Kunsthalle São Paulo, Sao Paolo (2014), “La Nuit Liquide” , The Breeder,

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