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Photo by Sebastian Wolf

Vanessa Kowalski is a Polish-American independent curator, writer, editor and artist. She also works as an advisor and consultant for artists, collectors, and institutions, such as the Percent for Art Program . She holds a BFA in Photography from the School of Visual Arts in New York City, and an MA in Curating, Mediating, and Managing Art from Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. After co-founding an alternative gallery space in Los Angeles, she has gone on to curate numerous exhibitions and series of pu

She served as the Program Director of the NARS Foundation , an International Artist Residency Program dedicated to supporting emerging and mid-career artists located in Sunset Park from 2018-2020, and also managed Magenta Plains . She currently lives and works in California, where she is the Director of Geoffrey Biddle Studio , helps oversee the estate of Mary Ann Unger , and advises on book projects with Atelier Éditions .