- Colored Gemstones | Natural Birthstones –

Description: Gemstones: Get information online in brief about Natural Gemstones & Birthstones. Visit for knowing History and myths about gemstones.

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What are Natural Gemstones. How are they formed? Natural Gemstones are generally minerals that have been , or may be, fashioned to use for personal adornment. As a rule, gem stones are beautiful, rare, and durable. Most are minerals: natural, inorganic materials with a fixed chemical composition and regular internal structure. A few gems like Amber and Pearl come from plants and animals and are called organics. To be regarded as a gemstone, a mineral (or occasionally an organic material) must be beautiful,

Amber is the fossilized resin of trees. Ambers are golden orange in color. Amber contains insects (flies, frogs, lizards), moss, lichen or pine needles that were trapped millions of years ago when the resin was still... Aquamarine comes in the color of sky blue and dark blue. Aquamarine is often dichroic, appearing colorless or blue while it is viewed from different angles. The colour of aquamarine, however, is usually more even than that of .... Sapphire   All gem quality corondum that is not red is called