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What’s new & recent:

I’ve begun publishing on Medium , the online publishing platform launched in 2012 that gets 100+ million visitors each month. It was a long process, deciding to do that. Originally, I began working on a proposal for a nonfiction book about organizational communication, which would have been a take on the subject similar to what someone like Seth Godin does with marketing.

But my gut kept pushing back, and when that happens I know to back off even if I don’t intellectually understand what the problem is (I think I understand now, though that is something I need to grapple with myself so it is too early to talk about). I could have continued writing in my blog here, but there is no way I could get any momentum around that – I’m not famous, I don’t have some hot property that is making people curious about me. On Medium I can let my writing and my topics do the work to find an