urltodomain.com - URL to DOMAIN - Professional Extractor and Disavow Tool

Description: URL to domain extractor to analyze and convert links to domain names. Helping webmasters use the Google and Bing disavow tools to fight negative SEO attacks.

domain (144560) web (35687) ssl (6761) url (3043) path (693) ftp (564) https (243) http (220) subdomain (106) extractor (67)

Example domain paragraphs

What is URL to DOMAIN?

URLtoDOMAIN.com is a professional tool that extracts and parses domains and subdomains from all kinds of URI schemes (eg. //, http://, ftp://, file://, ssl://, telnet://, and others). It does it in reverse too! It also allows to do other useful operations, including adding single quotes around strings, trimming URLs, parsing strings separated by a space / comma / semicolon delimiter, generating a .htaccess deny file, adding / removing a trailins slash, and searching for specified keywords before generating

For whom is this tool designed?