urbansketchersnewzealand.blogspot.co.nz - Urban Sketchers Aotearoa

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 Logging trucks arriving every five minutes - cranes galore at the Port.

In January my partner and I walked the Kepler Track in Fordland, one of New Zealand's Great Walks. It did not disappoint. The alpine views are spectacular. The track is a 60km loop track that starts and finishes near Te Anau, and covers a range of landscapes including tussock-covered ridgelines, beech-forest, lakes, glacial valleys, wetland, fern glades. Highlights were amazing scenery, seeing cheeky keas and meeting people in the huts. 

 About 100 Corvettes turned up at sunny East End, New Plymouth - much admiration at the gleaming chrome.  This 1958 Stingray was the oldest there.