upwithmarc.com - UP With Marc | The Next Big Thing

Description: The Next Big Thing

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Posted by upwithmarc

6 months away from our wedding and our honeymoon cruise in the Southern Caribbean and I can’t stop thinking about my time working on cruise ships. It’s been about 10 years since I stepped foot on my first cruise which was also the South Caribbean. I was engaged…you know like I am right now…to the wrong person but the honeymoon was paid for so I took my sister instead. But had it not been for that cruise and the chain of events that happened on that cruise I may not have ever worked on a cruise ship and here

I busted my ass to get a job on a crusie ship. It was shorted because of my allergies but it carries the biggest savior story of my life. I know I have burned people’s ears off from telling this so much but it’s so important. I’m all alone in the middle of the ocean. I’m on the bow of the ship so late at night with no fear left ready to say good bye. In that moment Mother Nature and the ocean chimed in and told me to stop. Told me there is more to my story than this. “I’m not done”.