- Upstaged by Design | …a perspective on design in movies.

Description: ...a perspective on design in movies.

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This year’s Production Design Academy Awards nominees are all fantastic!  But I have to be honest, there’s one I was unable to see before the awards tonight, and I’m sad about it!  But it’s out on DVD now, so I have every plan to see it: Anna Karenina .  It’s a Joe Wright movie with Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen, so you know it’s good.

Keira Knightly as Anna Karenina

I do have a good friend who saw the movie and gave me a great description.  He said it was a movie set up like a play.  The sets moved in and out behind the actors, like the backdrops in a play.  It sounds extraordinary!  Nominated for Anna Karenina are Sarah Greenwood (Production Design) and Katie Spencer (Set Decoration).