unscathedcorpse.blogspot.gr - Unscathed Corpse

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"Unscathed Corpse" is a collection of curious, weird, sexiest, funny, crazy and interesting sites. You can call it "subliminal porn" . Sometimes it's fetish, sometimes it's glamour but everything is art. Art and parody. Underground culture with humor...

Brain Wave by Jake Fried 2019. Hand-drawn animation with ink and white-out. Sound design by the artist. [Previously: Hand-drawn animations by Jake Fried ]

Joanna Grochowska Her photography refers to a concept of a Doll of Hans Bellmer, combining the obscurity of eroticism and sadism. The imagery depicting person as a mannequin blurs the distinction between Human and Nonhuman, Animate and Inanimate. The representation of still, passive, usually faceless and fragmented figures provokes inventing of new desires, transgression. (via Pussy Loves You )