unnaugural.org - UnNaugural Concert

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Saturday, January 18, 2020 – 7:30 PM | Rockville, Maryland

It is almost time for the voters to speak! The policies and rhetoric of this Administration have been distasteful and distressing. We have been speaking out, tweeting, organizing, and supporting thoughtful candidates. AND… each of the past three years, we have gathered in January to enjoy the music of 5 performers raising funds for 5 worthy causes. We have been lifted up by the songs and the missions of the nonprofit beneficiaries.

And now, it’s time for one last UnNaugural Concert ! For the final time (in 2021, I hope/expect to be celebrating at an INaugural rather than an UnNaugural!), we will come together to be inspired and uplifted. Once again, I have selected five remarkable singer/songwriters and five effective and varied causes.

Links to unnaugural.org (2)