unixseclab.com - Unix Sec Lab – Researching and Sharing Best Practices in Unix Shells and Security

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Researching and Sharing Best Practices in Unix Shells and Security

As a part of getting back into the HAM Radio hobby, I pulled out my existing gear and began making plans to stream line my setup. When I first got into the hobby, my initial goals were to have the ability to communicate in emergency situations, mostly “the end of the world as we know it” or “SHTF” from a prepper perspective. I also wanted to learn more about electronics and electricity in a practical sense. I was still in college at the time, and when it came up as a topic of interest, I was in my senior se

In the summer of 2008, we got news of a class on HAM Radio that was going to be presented at the local library. The class was designed for the local home schooled kids, but they would take anyone. I got special permission from work at the time to take the class time off, and took my two oldest children, since they showed interest. We were supposed to build an SDR kit radio as part of the class participation, but the instructor had some health issues, and the classes trickled to an end without a radio built.