uniccor.net - Medio Ambiente | Uniccor

Description: En UNICCOR tenemos la visión de un mundo en que todas las personas disfrutan de los derechos proclamados en la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas proclamada en 1948. singularmente, esto nos convierte en una organización incómoda para los poderosos.

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We intend and wish to make ourselves known and show how many people we can help: Humanitarian aid, defense of human rights, health promotion, among others. We collaborate and have worked closely with other Associations and Organizations, since UNICCOR is partly Voluntary and is registered with the International Cooperation Agency. Until July 2019 and together, they have been able to bring more than 240 tons of aid to those most in need, and with priority the children. We are proud that you visit our website

Founders and Creators · From May 7, 2019 to date.

UNICCOR, an international current that began as precise campaigns, has quickly become an international group for the defense of human rights with indelible representation. At the end of a year, the new organization has currently sent delegations to: Argentina, Colombia, Italy, Cuba, Nigeria, Sierra Leone... To denounce the scenario of these causes and is working on 2 other cases of people unjustly imprisoned.