unfoldingspace.org - Unfolding Space - Sensory Substitution Device

Description: Low Budget und Open Source Device zur Sensorischen Substitution, das blinden Menschen die Möglichkeit gibt, mit den Händen den Raum “sehen” zu können.

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Unfolding Space

The Unfolding Space Glove  allows blind or visually impaired users to haptically sense the depth of their surrounding space and thus (hopefully) better navigate through it. The device was drafted and developed within the framework of a four-year design research project. In 2021, the prototype was tested in an empirical study with 14 sighted and blind subjects with the results being published. 

Substituting missing visual stimuli by means of another sensory modality is referred to as Sensory Substitution in scientific terminology. The code and all components of the project have been released to the public under an Open Source licence. Depending on the field and audience, however, the device can have other labels as well: