unfetteredwood.blogspot.ca - Unfettered Wood: Gaelic Polytheism & Folk Magic

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This is my attempt to help process some of my thoughts and much of what is written here probably won't be new to folx who are reading it. But perhaps it can spark some of your own thoughts around sovereignty, what that might look like to you and its importance. So here is my little prayer for us to return to ways of being that are centered in autonomy and reciprocity.}

🌟 Eamhain Mhacha: Neamhspleáchas agus Cómhalartacht/The Twins of Macha: Autonomy and Reciprocity 🌟

These last few years have been a bit of a crash course in personal sovereignty. This has also been accompanied by confliction of the whole concept, as sovereignty is often meant as power-over instead of empowerment. After spending some time in Macha's territory it has become clear that there is still so much to unlearn/learn and to sort out in my heart, head and spirit. 

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