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Back in the summer of 2016, I made the fateful decision to strike out alone from the warm bosom of Ottawa and head to an uncertain future in Kenya.  In the spirit of excitement and adventure, I told all my friends of my relatively unexpected life choice to relocate to East Africa. Most of them were full of surprise and well wishes, but some had offers of connecting me with people they knew in Kenya.  In particular, my very good friend Honza who hails from Belgium and has travelled a great deal told me about

“He’s great,” Honza told me, “he has this crazy car called Beast that he’s travelled all across Africa with! You should definitely call him!”  In the hustle and bustle of packing and pre-departure training in Toronto, this all slipped my mind until a week after I had arrived in Nairobi, when Honza texted me and pushed me to get in touch with Ian.  So I sent him a message introducing myself, and low and behold, he wrote back and suggested lunch the very next day.  So it was with some excitement that I saw Ia

I asked him what he was doing next, and he said, “Actually, I’m flying out to Thailand tonight!”