ultraficoscore.com - Introducing the UltraFICO® Score | Ultrafico

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An UltraFICO® Score can unlock more credit opportunities for millions of hardworking people. You empower your UltraFICO® Score. By simply and securely linking with your checking, savings or money market accounts, your UltraFICO® Score can enhance your FICO® Score based on indicators of sound financial behavior. By opting in, you could broaden your access to more lending options and better terms.

7 out of 10 people in the U.S. who have had consistent cash on hand in recent months and kept positive balances on their accounts, could see an UltraFICO® Score that is higher than their traditional FICO® Score.

You may be one of 15 million people in the U.S. who can receive an UltraFICO® Score, even if you don't have enough credit history to generate a FICO® Score.