ulster-scots.co.uk - Ulster-Scots Online

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Bout ye!  We bid ye welcome tae Ulster-Scotch Online where we scrieve the aul tongue an leid alang wi promoting an fostering understanding of it`s attendant music, history, culture and heritage.  We are primarily focused on Northern Ireland and and the border Counties of the Republic but also across the island of Ireland and especially the various Irish and Scotch-Irish diasporas around the world..

We have just updated the website with new software to resolve some ongoing problems with the old software.  However all users and passwords should be carried across.  Please let us know what you think of the new look and please be aware it is still a work in progress in terms of aesthetics, with logos and links and such like still to be implemented.  Expect the blog to be more active with working software and a new blogging team asweel.  Speaking o which, anyone interested in blogging on Ulster-Scotch Onlin

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