ulfsandstrom.se - Ulf Sandström - Specialist inom NLP-terapi, traumabehandling och mental coaching.

Description: Uppnå extraordinär förändring genom personlig mental coaching, NLP-sessioner, Havening-tekniker, traumaterapi och hypnos. Verksam i Stockholm, tillgänglig internationellt.

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Ulf is an ACEP humanitarian award-winner, author of Resolving Yesterday , cofounder of 2023 top-rated NGO — Peaceful Heart Network and the Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT). He is a certified international Havening Techniques trainer, an expert in presentation skills, and a licensed mental sports trainer.

Whether you are an individual, team, band, or a business, Ulf brings experience from decades of exposure to human extremes and interactions, clinical studies and field work—into a powerful and validated toolset for change. Some people spend up to 20 years in therapy, or use medication to treat the surface of their PTS, trauma, stress, depression, phobia, or whatever mystery condition they might have. Using his divergent expertise, Ulf will help unlock you from the root—sometimes in only 7 minutes.

Resolve your PTS, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, bad habit, phobia, chronic pain, or mystery condition.

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